Wee Got Talent Show a Success

If you missed the show, want to see it again, or want to share the link with friends and families: 

Wee Got Talent Show

If you want to see full performances, this playlist has the full performance of each entry (some entries were trimmed during the show):
Wee Got Talent Show Full Entries

Winning Entries

Winning entry from DWS - Evalina

Winning entry from TRS  - Gabriella

Winning entry from WHS - Luna

Winning entry from Multi-School  - Turkok, Locklear, Furrow & Baker Families

How long is the video? 
The video is just over an hour & a half. 
When will I see my children? 
The video is broken into 4 parts - DWS, TRS, WHS & Multi-School entries. 
1pm - 1:30 (approximately) is DWS.
1:30 - 2pm  (approximately) is TRS.
2pm - 2:20 (approximately) is WHS.
2:20 - 2:30 (approximately) is Multi-School
Are full entries shown?
No. CLIPS of most entries are shown to keep the show at a manageable time. Full or mostly full clips of honorable mention & winning entries at each school are shown. 
What if I want to see the full performance of one or all the entries?